Tuesday and Thursday mornings the shuffle board courts in Island Park are bustling with competitors. For more than 20 years, the Mount Pleasant Shuffleboard Club has been meeting, competing & socializing in Mt Pleasant’s beautiful Island Park.
According to member Jean Golwicki, the Mount Pleasant Shuffleboard Club is the largest in the state, with members from all over the Central Michigan area. Bruce Ellsworth, the club President, said “members hail from Clare, Harrison, Weidman and several other cities, all within a 40 or so mile radius of Mount Pleasant.”
“Some of us competed in a tournament in June, but we mostly just play for fun,” said club member Carol Jones. The group charges $5 for a year membership, but allows interested players to come play their first game free & players who want to come play a round of shuffleboard just on occasion pay $1 per visit.
The group takes pride in their shuffleboard courts, located in Island Park. “Member fees help pay to keep the shuffle boards up. The city buys the wax, but we pay for the rest,” Norva Taylor, club Secretary explained. The group also uses funds to buy coffee and host potluck lunches for members on the last Thursday of every month.
The friendly members have fun soaking up the sun they’ll even stop to explain the game to curious passers by. The shuffleboard court can host up to 24 players at a time, but the group always tries to make room for new players interested in shooting a game or two. The group play from May to October and sometimes into November, weather permitting.
So for all the shuffleboard players out there, whether visiting the area or in our own back yard, head down to Island Park on Tuesday or Thursday mornings at 9 am to join in the fun with the friendly, fun loving Mount Pleasant Shuffleboard Club.