February Full Moon Hike
Event Details
Join the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy on Friday, February 23 at 7 p.m. for a hike under the (almost) full moon at our Sylvan Solace Preserve.
Event Details
Join the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy on Friday, February 23 at 7 p.m. for a hike under the (almost) full moon at our Sylvan Solace Preserve.
We know the moon won’t be full until the 24 but by hiking on the 23 the moon will already be at 13 degrees above the horizon at 7PM versus only 3 degrees above the horizon at the same time on the 24. Besides, we don’t think most of us will notice the difference between a moon at 99.8% illumination (on the 24) and one at only 98.3% illumination (on the 23)…
This social hike is for everyone! We’ll hike along an approximately 1.2 mile loop on the flat trails at Sylvan Solace with several stops along the way.
February 23, 2024 7:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
Sylvan Solace Preserve
4561 W. Pickard Rd